
0 ★ 3 ↺
techoecho boosted

mario » built on your smartphone or other device? What's tour feeling about this near future? Mine is bad, really


    Chris Trottier »

    @mario AI sure makes many things handy. Things that would take me hours to do now only take me five minutes.

      0 ★ 3 ↺
      AI boosted

      mario » but an listening and watching every simple thing you're doing with your device and collecting data from where you store your full digital life (bank account, credit cards, pictures, data about your health etc.) is a price too high to pay imho


        Chris Trottier »

        @mario Why does it have to collect data? Why can’t the software just exist locally on your phone?

          0 ★ 0 ↺

          mario »

 yes, if the software just exist locally on the phone/ device and you're sure about what it does (you wrote the software /or you can understand its code /or the developers are people you trust) there is no problem.
