is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email

Search results for tag #xmpp

adb »

@cherti yes, you can use as well, and the same applies the other way around "why not just delta chat instead of xmpp"

Short answer: just look around and you will find people saying how easy it is to switch to Delta Chat and how good the clients are while XMPP feels more advanced for your average user

Besides other problems like groups being centralized on xmpp if the server where you created a group goes down you lose your group


    Debacle boosted

    HackLab LibreTICs »

    Debacle boosted

    Pirate Praveen »

    We are happy to announce the schedule for . This is our first conference, and volunteer team is small, so we could not publish it earlier.

      Debacle boosted

      mathieui »

      I just published version 1.9.0 of the slixmpp library, check out the blog announcement for more details:

        Stefan »

        Um eine lib für zu testen, habe ich ein kleines Demo Programm geschrieben. Für die ersten Schritt ja ok, aber wirklich nachhaltig ist es auch nicht.

        Eine Idee ist eine zu programmieren. Dort kann man dann XMPP mit command line Befehlen benutzen.

        XMPP> Client has been connected with XMPP Server

        XMPP> presence
        XMPP> join
        XMPP Join Chatroom - JID>
        XMPP> <<< Groupchat Message from Test: Das ist ein Test

        Es gibt doch GVfs — Virtual File System,... ob man damit dann vielleicht sein account als file system abbilden könnte.

        echo "Wir treffen uns in 10 min am großen Baum" > /buddy/user@domain/chat
        Dann wäre Jabber auch endlich mal ein für Normale User. 😉

        Ich glaube ich muss mir mal ansehen,...

          Debacle boosted

          Gabriel 📻 »

          Recién veo en monocles chat que volvió la posibilidad de diferenciar notificaciones por contacto*.
          detalles de contacto > 3 puntitos > custom notif.

          * un detalle tremendo.

          Debacle boosted

          Annyolito »

          Ya hace años pido que no usemos más WhatsApp, y uso Telegram para las conversaciones importantes, pero hace rato que estoy queriendo pasarme a XMPP pero soy un abuelo que no entiende como 🙃
          Algún alma pedagógica y caritativa que pueda darme una mano con eso?? O data accesible y entendible para este señor no formado en las ciencias de la computación🥸

            Hippo 🍉 »

            They said was connected to , so I made some! 😇

            Hair is personal. Messaging should be too

            The owner of Beeja Botanicals is my former classmate, and she's used the shampoo herself, so I know it's good! The first batch is ready and will be available for purchase at (or will be, once I've finished wrapping it all 😅)

            PS: flyer designed with , and photo taken with on on the !

            A round shampoo bar wrapped with the XMPP logo, sitting on top of a flyer that will be displayed in detail in the next picture.

            Alt...A round shampoo bar wrapped with the XMPP logo, sitting on top of a flyer that will be displayed in detail in the next picture.

            Flyer. Full text follows, along with a description of accompanying images:

[The XMPP logo] Introducing xampu, the XMPP themed shampoo bar!

What if your shampoo brand forced you to hang out only with people who use the same brand of shampoo? [Two people with focus lines on their hair. A lightning bolt strikes between them]

We think such restrictions are as absurd for messaging apps as they would be for hair products. [Similarly, two speech bubbles with a lightning bolt betwixt]

XMPP is a common language (protocol) that different chat services can use to talk to each other. [Image of many connected speech bubbles]

[Green banner saying] XMPP stands for "eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol". Since both those are a mouthful, people in Brazil have taken to affectionately pronouncing it xampu—which means shampoo.

[A rabbit] This shampoo bar by Beeja Botanicals is hand made using natural ingredients. It is free from harmful products like SLS and paraben, and contains no animal-tested products.

Like making your own shampoo, running your own chat server allows you to address local ethical and technical issues—more privacy? solar powered? larger upload size? integrated login?—that matter to you.

Not everyone has the time and energy to make shampoo, or to run their own XMPP server. Proceeds from this shampoo bar will go towards funding Prav, which operates XMPP services so you don't have to. [A pigeon]

Footer saying: Hair is personal. Messaging should be, too.

            Alt...Flyer. Full text follows, along with a description of accompanying images: [The XMPP logo] Introducing xampu, the XMPP themed shampoo bar! What if your shampoo brand forced you to hang out only with people who use the same brand of shampoo? [Two people with focus lines on their hair. A lightning bolt strikes between them] We think such restrictions are as absurd for messaging apps as they would be for hair products. [Similarly, two speech bubbles with a lightning bolt betwixt] XMPP is a common language (protocol) that different chat services can use to talk to each other. [Image of many connected speech bubbles] [Green banner saying] XMPP stands for "eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol". Since both those are a mouthful, people in Brazil have taken to affectionately pronouncing it xampu—which means shampoo. [A rabbit] This shampoo bar by Beeja Botanicals is hand made using natural ingredients. It is free from harmful products like SLS and paraben, and contains no animal-tested products. Like making your own shampoo, running your own chat server allows you to address local ethical and technical issues—more privacy? solar powered? larger upload size? integrated login?—that matter to you. Not everyone has the time and energy to make shampoo, or to run their own XMPP server. Proceeds from this shampoo bar will go towards funding Prav, which operates XMPP services so you don't have to. [A pigeon] Footer saying: Hair is personal. Messaging should be, too.

              Bhante Subharo »

              @ljrk @chiraag @tortie @waeiski @Mer__edith I wish that the would clarify its stance regarding : *is the AWS hosting problematic for them or not*? Let's assume *not OK* for a minute.

              As to a Signal alternative, I *wish* I could recommend over today. *AFAIK*, in XMPP, does perfect forward secrecy/double-ratcheting - but alas, the and clients aren't the greatest at present. That lack of all common OS' having feature parity (very reliable notifications, Reactions, etc.) makes me hesitate in recommending XMPP for *everyone* today (but it's great for geeks).

              Whereas Deltachat at least has usability parity for features across each OS it supports (which I feel users would highly expect *first*, before demanding a more modern encryption). Yes, autocrypt has no perfect forward secrecy, etc. and other metadata-related criticisms. But Deltachat is simple enough to learn, *allows servers to realistically be used in the desired country*, and works on all the common platforms. It's a decent choice for *today*, as a well-rounded choice (where tradeoffs must be made somewhere). And once the XMPP clients get better (in MacOS/iOS), I'll recommend XMPP as a goto *then*.

                Debacle boosted

                Hippo 🍉 »

                My grandmother recently got locked out of because her phone broke, and the spare one we had on hand is one WhatsApp has decided is too old to run on 💀

                Fortunately, has no such qualms! She's currently keeping up with the family group chat on while others of us use , , and . (Of course, extended family and friends are another matter 😔)

                This serves as a reminder that closed apps may close you out—but open protocols have your back forever!

                A purple-pink graphic for PravConf, showing a pigeon flying out of a cage. The text says: "Messaging apps got you ensnared? It's time we opened up the cage."

Below is a banner with the event details: PravConf 2025, happening on 1st and 2nd March 2025 at MEC Kochi. URL:

Finally comes the mandatory list of sponsors: Fiscal host Navodaya Networks, Organising Partner FOSS MEC, and Gold Sponsor Mostly Harmless

                Alt...A purple-pink graphic for PravConf, showing a pigeon flying out of a cage. The text says: "Messaging apps got you ensnared? It's time we opened up the cage." Below is a banner with the event details: PravConf 2025, happening on 1st and 2nd March 2025 at MEC Kochi. URL: Finally comes the mandatory list of sponsors: Fiscal host Navodaya Networks, Organising Partner FOSS MEC, and Gold Sponsor Mostly Harmless

                  lorenzo boosted

                  PositivDenken 🤯 »

                  Created a chatroom to talk about ultralight backpacking/trekking:

                    Debacle boosted

                    Stefan »

                    Ich möchte mit diesem Post einen kleinen Beitrag zum Thema und leisten. Dies ist meine persönliche Meinung und ein Feedback zu verschiedenen Ereignissen.

                    Die aktuellen Ereignisse zeigen sehr deutlich, dass die Themen rundum Digitalisierung nicht mehr nur etwas für Nerds sind, sondern unsere soziales Miteinander beeinflussen können und auch tun. Immer wieder stehen Konzerne / Unternehmen in Kritik.


                    Die Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) hat schon im April 2019 ein sehr deutliches Zeichen gesetzt, in dem sie die Präsenz auf Facebook schlossen.

                    Detaillierte Informationen findet man auf der Homepage der GI, im Wesentlichen sind es vier Gründe:
                    * Facebook ist ein Feind des Datenschutzes.
                    * Facebook vernachlässigt die Datensicherheit.
                    * Facebook bedroht Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft.

                    Der Einfluss und das soziale miteinander auf Twitter / X steht auch schon länger in Kritik.

                    Google gibt explizite Ablehnung von KI-Waffen auf.

                    Die Liste ist lang,...


                    Wir müssen die Nutzer aufklären, damit sie verstehen welchen Einfluss Big Tech haben kann, zum Beispiel im Bezug auf Risiken für die oder die .


                    Die Aufklärung allein ist jedoch nicht ausreichend. Wir müssen aktiv werden und handeln.

                    Verwendungen von Freier Software und einem Freie biete eine wichtige Grundlage für Unabhängigkeit. /Linux und -Custom-ROMs können eine Alternative für proprietäre Betriebssysteme sein. User Groups können dabei helfen. Lokale Linux User Groups zu organisieren kann ein hilfreicher Schritt sein, anderen zu helfen und zu unterstützen.

                    Das Internet besteht aus einem großen Teil aus offenen Standards. Offene Standards kann von jedem verwendet werden. Für eine Unabhängigkeit ist die Verwendung von offenen Standard ein wichtiger und wesentlicher Schritt. Es ermöglicht, dass Dienste von verschiedenen Anbieter angeboten werden und genutzt werden. E-Mail, das , Chat und vieles mehr. Sie stehen in Gegenteil zu geschlossene Plattform. Diese sollten verwendet und gefördert werden.

                    Unterstützen von Personen, Vereinen und Unternehmen, welche Freie Software / offene Standards / dezentrale Dienste bereitstellen. Das Schreiben von Artikel, Standards, oder betrieben von Diensten kostet Geld und Zeit. Spenden oder Mitmachen kann helfen diese zu unterstützen.

                      1 ★ 0 ↺

                      mario »

             è una religione e noi siamo sulla terra i suoi discepoli 🤣 🤣 🤣

                        Stefan »

                        Kann man denn eigentlich bei oder mehrere Accounts verwendet?

                        Ich bevorzuge XMPP weil ich eben verschiedene Accounts haben kann und dies sogar innerhalb der gleichen Anwendung. Ich kann Accounts nach belieben aktivieren / deaktivieren.


                        Angenommen es gäbe keine Internetstandards,... wie hätte sich das Internet dann entwickelt? ist ein eines der Internetstandards.


                          Toad boosted

                          Manuel »

                          Domanda delle 21:40 qualcuno usa giornalmente il protocollo ? Che client usate? Per android vedo che fanno un po tutti abbastanza pena forse si salva , come funzionano le integrazioni come chiamate video chiamate sticker ecc.. Su che server vi siete registrati e perchè? (Ho un account ma non riesco a collegarlo su altre app ho un vecchio collegameto solo su ma se provo a fare il login su altre app non va 🤔) continua....

                            Feu d'jais 🥑 »

                            @Tutanota I need to say it : is also a good replacement. The first step to use it is not easy for everyone but once it is done it is way simpler than Matrix. My mother use XMPP with no problem! 😊

                              Martin »

                              I think you mix things up. I am operating an for more than 10 years and my xmpp server never sent a mail.

                                Martin »

                                XSF: XMPP Standards Foundation »


                                We are a Google Summer of Code 2024 umbrella organization!

                                Project idea 7 of 7:
                                @prav App - Standards compliant based


                                Prav App - Standards compliant SMS OTP based authentication GSoC 2024 idea logo

                                Alt...Prav App - Standards compliant SMS OTP based authentication GSoC 2024 idea logo

                                  Cuche boosted

                                  Do it Your Web »

                                  perché noi utenti del non impariamo ad utilizzare anche ? dopotutto le caratteristiche sono simili

                                    Pirate Praveen »

                                    'Don't like Prav? You can port your account to another app in the Prav network, eg. Quicksy.'

                                    This is not possible with apps like , or . You are at the mercy of your contacts to switch your messaging provider, even if you like another app.

                                    In India, we can port our sim cards any time if we don't like our current provider or a competitor offers a better deal. and offers this portability. You can switch apps and still talk to your contacts.

                                      Pirate Praveen »

                                      @dpreacher had a bad experience with gtalk, facebook, whatsapp etc they all took xmpp but did not federate. Then the remaining community was mostly driven by developers, many were happy to write a new library or app with half features implemented (scratch my itch), but no one was interested to push for mass adoption/publicity. Prav wants to change that, we want to push for mass adoption through publicity campaigns and onboarding of different groups - so people have someone to talk as well.

                                        Debacle boosted

                                        Peppe Namir (ジュゼッペ ) »

                                        po' chat un po' social network, ma quanto è figooo

                                          joene 🏴🍉 »

                                          I read here that / has a dark history of funding and developing by the (original) Israeli company . I don't know if this is still the case, but alarming it is.


                                          So maybe I need to move away from Matrix. But to where? I really tried to endorse , but two important issues stopped me.

                                          1. Fluent multi-device support. I don't need to explain this I think.

                                          2. Always end-to-end encryption for DM's and (at least by default) group chats.

                                          Because we are now living in the year 2025, are both issues now fully resolved?

                                            Debacle boosted

                                            Nicoco »


                                            > Feels like all over again

                                            Well… rewriting something from scratch is sexy on paper but usually means you'll end up facing the same problems the thing you're rewriting faced before. This is not exactly a surprise. This famous blog post is 25 years old:

                                            (throw in some venture capital for some extra ugliness)

                                              Debacle boosted

                                              Robert Kingett »

                                              Can someone recommend me a screen reader friendly Client for iOS? Needs to also handle outgoing and incoming calls and the ones I've tried, Snikket, Monal, Siskin IM, all have uniquely different accessibility issues so I need to keep all 3 of them because one is better in only one area the other 2 aren't. I have a JMP number, and would eventually like to move everybody to that number instead of my Google Voice number but I like sending text messages via my email client, and I like the ability of calling people from my desktop, and absolutely none of desktop clients for Windows are screen reader accessible except for Miranda IM. I tried to get MicroSip to work on JMP for phone calls and nothing! Miranda NG is accessible but can't call out/dial cell phones.

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